The Appli Parts APMG-GA3H high pressure gauge is an essential tool for the maintenance and repair of refrigeration and air conditioning systems. It fe

A pressure gauge is an essential tool for the maintenance and repair of refrigeration and air conditioning systems. It allows you to measure the pressure of the refrigerant in the system, which is important for ensuring proper operation.
The Appli Parts APMG-GA3H high pressure gauge is an excellent option for refrigeration and air conditioning applications. It features the following:
- Rugged construction made of aluminum alloys, scratch-resistant plastic cover, and rubber sleeve.
- Pressure scale in psi from 0 to 800.
- Temperature scale in Fahrenheit from -20F to 200F.
- Adaptable to gauges with 1/4 inch SAE connections.
The Appli Parts APMG-GA3H high pressure gauge is designed for refrigeration and air conditioning applications with R-134a, R-22, R-404A, and R-410A refrigerants.
The Appli Parts APMG-GA3H high pressure gauge offers the following benefits:
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